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Can your job site translate HTML code?

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 6:48pm Sunday 04 October 2009    Print Article

This may seem like a no brainer - do you check EVERY job advert that is posted from your organisation? If your job advert contains HTML or special characters you need to ensure your listings on a job board/recruitment website can interrupt the HTML code/tags.

Over the years, job boards have allowed us to use HTML code/tags to visually enhance our job adverts. However, with the advancements in technology, most forms now use WYSIWYG editors to make the process easier.

But... display errors can still happen
  • The user can manually enter the wrong HTML code or forget to close a tag
  • The website is unable to correctly interrupt the code
Most of the time HTML errors are an easy fix. Although, it can have a flow on effect with other parts of the website including RSS feeds and search engine results.

What message are you sending to potential candidates (or clients)?

HTML Special Character &

Failure to close a HTML tag resulting in the rest of the job advert being hyperlinked

Encoding Issue

HTML Issues

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Article Tags: job adverts html code html characters job board recruitment website wysiwyg job site

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