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Interview with Jane Damon from Chameleon-i

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 1:22pm Tuesday 27 January 2009    Print Article

Chameleon-i is a leading web-based recruitment software solution for SME recruitment agencies worldwide. I spoke with Jane Damon from Chameleon-i about their software and plans for their new venture in recruitment website design. Recently they launched the new recruitment website for HSEQ One

What is Chameleon-i?

Chameleon-i is an on-demand, web-based recruitment software solution.  It has easy-to-use, business critical tools that enable recruiters to streamline their daily workflow, match and place more candidates, launch marketing campaigns and serve clients more productively.

What makes Chameleon-i different to other providers in the marketplace?

Chameleon-i uses the SaaS (Software as a Service) model and offers recruitment agencies greater cost controls, fast and simple implementation and frequent free upgrades all with no IT maintenance headaches and backed by free, award winning customer support.

We also support start-up recruiters and offer a free first-user license so they can instantly use effective and scalable software - for life.

What technology/web2.0 tools have you used in building Chameleon-i?

We believe in using the best tools for the job and so Chameleon-i uses different technologies and languages across a three-tier architecture.  The main interface makes use of Ajax and extensive Javascript for features such as drag-and-drop and the CV parsing tool.  Whereas the backend is predominantly ASP.Net and Microsoft SQL Server 2005 which ensure the screens load quickly over the Internet.

What advice would you give to recruiters who are researching SaaS providers?

As SaaS (Software and a Service) platforms are managed and hosted by the software provider, the relationship you have with them is paramount. Look for providers with a service based philosophy, and the opportunity for free training on updates to the product, and a robust privacy and security policy.

How many organisations are using your product in Australia/New Zealand?

In the last year we have seen agencies in over 25 different countries register and make good use of the product with a growing number of these in the Asia-Pacific region.  We’ve had positive feedback from our Australian and New Zealand users who are happy to provide references for any local agencies with queries.

What are some of the biggest challenges your business has faced over the past few months?

We have just launched our re-designed website, designed and built by our in-house team.  The development team has also been busy rolling out some of the latest features including an online CV editor, a new CV parsing tool and features that will help users improve the quality of their database to name just a few.

Plans for the next 12 months?

The next 12 months is packed full of product innovations and new development work including inbound email, auto-matching candidates and we’re talking with prominent 3rd party suppliers for some exclusive integration that will provide tangible benefits for our users.  After a growing number of enquiries for integrated web design we are also about to launch a web development arm specifically for recruiters.

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