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Is mobile going to become the recruitment platform of choice?

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 3:29pm Wednesday 16 December 2009    Print Article

Morgan Stanley has released the latest Mobile Internet Report studying innovations in technology. If you have a spare few hours, you can read the full 400+ page report, or browse through the presentation slides. Mobile internet is not a fad and the recruitment industry should take note. Most day-to-day recruitment programs are desktop based which requires costly overheads and resources. Recruitment systems, job boards and career websites should become mobile optimised to take full advantage of this growing medium.

Innovation in technology – and the creation (and destruction) of wealth in its wake – follows a pattern. As each new computing cycle unfolds, roughly once a decade, the number of devices and users rises by a factor of ten. From mainframe to minicomputer, PC, desktop Internet, and now the mobile Internet, more and more people benefited from faster processing power, better user interfaces, smaller form factors, lower prices, and expanded services.

The key takeaways from the report are...
  • Material wealth creation / destruction should surpass earlier computing cycles. The mobile Internet cycle, the 5th cycle in 50 years, is just starting. Winners in each cycle often create more market capitalization than in the last. New winners emerge, some incumbents survive – or thrive – while many past winners falter.
  • The mobile Internet is ramping faster than desktop Internet did, and we believe more users may connect to the Internet via mobile devices than desktop PCs within 5 years.
  • Five IP-based products / services are growing / converging and providing the underpinnings for dramatic growth in mobile Internet usage – 3G adoption + social networking + video + VoIP + impressive mobile devices.
  • Apple + Facebook platforms serving to raise the bar for how users connect / communicate – their respective ramps in user and developer engagement may be unprecedented.
  • Decade-plus Internet usage / monetization ramps for mobile Internet in Japan plus desktop Internet in developed markets provide roadmaps for global ramp and monetization.
  • Massive mobile data growth is driving transitions for carriers and equipment providers.
  • Emerging markets have material potential for mobile Internet user growth. Low penetration of fixed-line telephone and already vibrant mobile value-added services mean that for many EM users and SMEs, the Internet will be mobile.

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Article Tags: mobile internet report december 2009 morgan stanley mobile recruitment mobile mobile internet mobile applications mobile job search apple iphone internet cycle ip telephone voip facebook emerging markets saas recruitment native applications web applications

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 Graham Winder (4:00pm Wednesday 16 December 2009)

Interesting article Thomas. We're certainly getting asked about it more and more from our clients and prospects about being able to access Bond Adapt on Blackberry's and iPhones. We are currently in the process of developing an Adapt for iPhone application that naturally, we're very excited about. Can't say too much regarding timescales at the moment as that decision, is partly out of our hands.

 Steven Rothberg (10:40am Thursday 17 December 2009)

Thank you for bringing this excellent research to the attention of the recruiting community. Using cell phone text messaging, mobile web sites, and other components of mobile marketing has become mainstream in both the worlds of consumer and employment marketing.

The interest level in the latter is so high that I've been asked to speak to it at the annual conferences of the Mountain Pacific Association of Colleges and Employers, National Association of Colleges and Employers, Canadian Association of Career Educators and Employers, and Society for Human Resource Management. was one of the first job boards to help its employer clients reach their targeted candidates through cell phone text messaging and it is quite rewarding to me to see this innovative channel go mainstream.

 Gareth Jenkins (1:37am Friday 18 December 2009)

Very good article on the subject Thomas. Here at 4MAT, we've decided for the moment that the advantages of mobile site development outweigh that of device specific apps. As with many other providers in our position, we are getting a lot of interest from clients regarding mobile enabling their sites and as such have developed standarized mobile add-ons to our market leading dotVacancy3 product.

HTML 5 is an interesting path to pursue which we have looked at. Since WebKit (which is used by a number of mobile browsers including iPhone and Android) incorporates a lot of HTML 5 features, it is definitely a promising route to follow. However full support is potentially a while off yet, since full sign-off of the standard may well not be until 2020 (according to the editor of specification). But as is often the case, browsers are likely to push ahead anyway, and I'm confident it will be very much in widespread use well ahead of those timescales.

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