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Recruiters - Delete your social networking profile if you no longer use it Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 4:19pm Wednesday 14 April 2010 |
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Qualifying your Salary in these Economic times Published: 7:50pm Sunday 01 February 2009 |
Do not "Auto Approve" job adverts Published: 8:13pm Sunday 29 March 2009 |
Is it time to say farewell to 3rd party application forms? Published: 11:30am Tuesday 19 July 2011 |
Creating an Effective Social Media Strategy, Part 9 - Evaluate Impact, Don’t Continue Blindly Published: 6:09pm Friday 04 September 2009 |
Has MyCareer closed it's Melbourne office? Published: 8:54am Thursday 11 December 2008 |
Silly mistakes |
QR Codes in Print Job Ads |
I don't care that you have more LinkedIn connections than me. You can buy them for $5 |
More jobs than SEEK? |
Fail Whale. Phishing link love |
if(candidate.experience.contains(it)) ++bonusPoints |
For bonus points, apply using the API |
"Attaging" with QR Codes - The security threat for mobile recruitment |
SMS "Apply" to... |
Typo squatting and the doppelganger domain threat |
One, why would you consider it embarrassing to have tried social media and abandoned it? Odds are you abandoned it for something more profitable or lucrative. If you're too busy making money and running a business to update your MySpace page, there's probably not much cause for embarrasment there.
Two, if your clients, candidates and peers are bagging you out for not being active enough on social media, then either they feel the need to demonstrate superiority in a field you've deliberately abandoned, or they're looking for something to criticise, and this is the best they can do. Either way, surely whatever you're doing is more important than listening to critics with so trite and meaningless a complaint.
It's like all the spam you see on twitter with job adverts.
I'm sure that has a very low success rate.
The only consultants that I saw who were using Facebook successfully were thinking about it's purpose, which is friends hooking up where there was already some sort of connection previously. They'd set up events type pages for drinks at the pub. They were the only ones who seemed to have any sort of response or people joining their group.