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Sell your friends emails to MyCareer

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 11:04am Thursday 29 January 2009    Print Article

MyCareer have followed Careerone and SEEK in creating interactive games for the job seeker. The concept is good, but I doubt that it will really take off. My initial reaction was WOW, then I actually started playing the game (it really should be called - sell us your friends to win 50k). It must have cost $$ HEAPS to create this game, and then the cost to advertise the promotion.

So first off you need to sign in/up (great, now they have my contact details), then you can create your own character - face, hair, skin, eyes, smile, clothes, shoes etc. Proceed to choose the type of store you want. I selected a ball store, and called it "This sucks balls". After you create the shop framework then you can start playing in this "virtual world"

Sorry MyCareer, you did put in the effort, and I give you 100% for creativity. But the game is too complicated and requires the users to basically sell their contacts to play the game.

PS Did you test the application? There are still some bugs. Have a look at the email sent to friends

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