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Sharing Jobs on Social Networks using JobGenie

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 9:00pm Sunday 30 August 2009    Print Article

Last week, I decided to test drive a new referral system called JobGenie, brainchild of Riges Younan. JobGenie is a candidate referral platform which takes the hassle out of managing a referral program. The platform can manage, track and monitor candidates that are referred for a job.

Once you create a new job on the system (see screenshot below), you can choose where you want the referrals to come from - email contacts, employees or social networks.

The platform is integrated with the various social networking sites including Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. Allowing the employer/employee/recruiter to refer a job to their network of friends with ease!

Each time you refer a job; candidates can just click on the link and are redirected back to the job advert, which tracks the candidate and referrer for any future payout.

The JobGenie platform is integrated with Facebook Connect allowing you to post the job automatically to your Facebook news feed, or choose which friends are sent the job referral request.

The "job referral request" (sent to friends) is possible because JobGenie have also created a Facebook Application.

Last week I wrote an article titled Share on LinkedIn explaining the process for how you share content with your LinkedIn contacts or groups. In the article, I mentioned that LinkedIn have not released the ability to choose which section content is posted to. Well, it seems that JobGenie is now the first website I know of, that can post jobs automatically to your LinkedIn groups. Well done.

Overall, I was quite impressed JobGenie's seamless integration with the various social networking sites. The system has some excellent tracking and statistical reports available, allowing you to measure the response rate from the various sources. 

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Article Tags: jobgenie facebook linkedin twitter social referrals social networking social media referrals api riges younan statistics reporting social network integration referral recruitment facebook connect

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 Michelle Rea (3:58pm Monday 19 April 2010)

How can I get ahold of JobGenie?

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