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Social Recruiting is a dirty word

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 11:00am Thursday 01 July 2010    Print Article

Today, I gave quite a controversial presentation to a group of Recruitment Agency owners on Social Recruiting. When I was first asked to present to this group a few months ago, I was initially asked to speak about "Social Media and it's use in the Recruitment process". I said no, I wasn't interested.

A few days later, they came back to me and asked why not? I was quite honest, and gave my reasoning that the topic had been covered by me to death previously and I was not going to regurgitate old content. Plus, this was not a paying gig, but I could make some new clients from within this group.

What I did not expect in that conversation was a second proposal to take the opposite view on the topic "Are we wasting our time and resources on social recruiting?". They wanted a straight to the point presentation as I was not there to sell them or push a product… just my own views and opinions.

The presentation slides may not make that much sense to those who were not at the breakfast. But the overall message is short but sweet.
  • Stop talking
  • Start doing
  • Walk the talk
You can download or browse the presentation slides below. All examples shown have been removed. Sorry.

DOWNLOAD Social Recruiting is a dirty word - PowerPoint Slides

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 Craig (11:43am Thursday 01 July 2010)

Where do I download the slides?

 crock of shit (12:33pm Thursday 01 July 2010)

I'll let you have your 15 minutes of fame, but social media is here and it is not going away.

Recruitment agencies must learn that posting jobs onto social networks is not "social recruiting", but on the other hand, they must STOP collecting data without the users knowing!

I still can't believe how it is possible for any recruiter, and members of the RCSA to allow recruitment systems to do this.Isn't this unethical?

We use Taleo with the enterprise social tools. You can connect via Linkedin and it will also search all the social networks to find the user. VERY SCARY.

Thomas, I'm sure your presentation was quite light hearted and entertaining for the attendees, but please stop with the mixed messages from your blog.

 Thomas Shaw (10:16pm Thursday 01 July 2010)

Hi Craig, great seeing you this morning. You can download the slides here Social Recruiting is a dirty word - PowerPoint Slides

Jason, thanks for the input, you really had to be there to listen to the full presentation. The examples I provided clearly showed the good from the bad.

In relation to the data extraction tools - these are gaining much popularity within the industry. You can turn them off from the administrator account check your Taleo admin settings.

As for the RCSA. They are wayyyyy behind on any technology advancements.

 Lorraine (10:19am Monday 05 July 2010)

Thanks for the presentation.

 Peter (4:30pm Monday 05 July 2010)


Would have been great to hear you give the presentation. The slides don't really say a lot and obviously need the commentary to go with it, thanks for sharing them.

Like a lot of people in the online job space I have heard the positives and negatives about using Social Networking. As things change so quickly in the online it's very risky to hold an opinion about certain subjects and a lot riskier to try and predict successes (and or failures). Social Networking is one of those subjects.

One thing that is worth noting is that the internet itself is social. You could almost argue it is the first generation of online social networking. So just by the mere fact that you post jobs online you are in some manner already participating in Social Networking.

I am an advocate that most people just want to find a job and apply for it, plain and simple. It doesn't matter where that job is, as long as the process is uncomplicated, simple to understand and doesn't require to much work they will apply, social networking site or not. I guess as marketers we need to go where the traffic is and given the relatively inexpensive nature of getting involved in social networking, it is worth a try. You also need to consider that almost 72% of the Australian internet population visit at least one social network site a month.

I think the best performing social networking initiatives are those that are by their very nature social i.e. connecting with friends, discussing hobbies or favourite movies. I am not convinced that people want to make their job hunting social and this could be a reason why there is still some debate about whether it is a good thing or a bad thing.

One thing for sure, I do like Apple's approach to innovation. Essentially just do it and don't ask to many people to give you an opinion, otherwise you would never do it and maybe never get the rewards.

 Adam Crow (5:08am Tuesday 06 July 2010)

Thanks for posting your slides Thomas.

We've been discussing at work the issues of candidate privacy in our own Applicant Tracking System. An Industry set of ethics would be a good resource. Are you aware of such a document?

The online social networks are the tip of the iceberg for monitoring candidates.

 robyn (11:11pm Thursday 22 July 2010)

what is taelo??? never heard of it.

that is why i am scared to put my resume/cv on linkedin - who can see it. is it safe to go there or not? i am interested in finding a job but am scared to put my resume out there for the whole world to see, access, read, chop and copy. can that happen on linked in???

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