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The difference between a Video Interview and Video Resume

Posted By: Thomas Shaw, 2:06pm Monday 12 January 2009    Print Article

Lately I have heard recruiters talk about video resumes, including myself here but are you talking about the correct “video”. The most notable difference between video interviews and video resumes is who begins the video process.

Video Interview

A video interview is a job interview held between a recruiter/employer and a candidate using video enabled technology. Specific video interview tools include webcams, traditional videotapes, or video conferencing equipment. Video interviews can be viewed in real-time (recruiter/employer and candidate interacting simultaneously) or pre-recorded (candidate first completes the video interview, then an recruiter/employer views the recorded video) formats. The majority of video job interviews are completed by participants in different geographic locations; however, some in-person interviews are captured with video equipment in order to share the content with other decision makers or to store the interview. These videos would not be shared with other 3rd parties, and would not be published with out permission from all parties. Have a look at

  • Questions are standardised for all candidates
  • Easily compare candidates
  • Useful for pre-screening applicants
  • Save money on travel expenses
  • Multiple viewings - Interviews are archived to allow later recall
  • Position specific interview questions
  • Little interaction between candidate and interviewer
  • Candidates can experience nerves, leading to a poor interview
  • Subjective
  • Can be $$ costly for initial set up
  • Not all video providers offer 24/7 support

Video Resume

Video resumes are initiated by the candidate. A video resume typically shows a candidate describing his or her qualifications, experience, and skills. Occasionally, a video resume may contain career goals, hobbies, or unique talents that the candidate would like an employer to see. A video resume is typically recorded using a webcam or video camera, following which it is uploaded to the Internet (videotapes or DVDs may be used in some cases). Video resumes are generally not customized to a specific company or position; rather, they are more often generic. Examples of where you can find video resumes include or

  • Free for the employer
  • Find applicants from social networking and video directory sites
  • Lets candidates express their unique character
  • Simplifies portfolio sharing for creative hires
  • Lack of standardisation makes comparison difficult
  • Can contain unrelated or immaterial content
  • Not easily integrated with recruiters' workflow
  • No communication with candidate
  • No standard of professionalism
  • Opens employer up to discrimination risk

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 Thomas Shaw (2:57pm Monday 12 January 2009)

Further to my post, I came across this site with 7 differences between video resumes and video interviews

1. Video Resumes are job-seeker-driven, sent to companies unsolicited. Video Interviews are employer-driven, ordered after finding an interesting written resume.

2. Video resumes take hours to wade through. Video interviews take exactly as long as the employer desires.

3. Video resumes are like a box of chocolates–you never know what you’re going to get. Video interviews are standardized, each one set up exactly the same for the position to be filled.

4. Video resumes can vary greatly in production skill and equipment. Video interviews require everyone to use a webcam.

5. Video resumes can bias the employer negatively before they’ve even seen a resume of accomplishments. Video interviews are ordered after the employer has seen and is interested in the employee’s accomplishments.

6. Video Resumes have the potential for legal problems. Video interviews are not discriminatory–they are a “pre” face-to-face interview.

7. Video resumes have been around for a long time, but have not captured the interest of employers. Video interviews have been received well by employers, and are gaining ground every day.

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