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Job Board Statistics - January 2010
1:53pm Tuesday 02 February 2010
Tags: nielsen netratings job board statistics job board january 2010 seek careerone mycareer job board report

Australian Job Board Statistics measuring the total unique browsers during January 2010. Data source - Nielsen NetRatings. SEEK 3.872m, CareerOne 1.747m, MyCareer 1.448m read more...

Creating a custom Apple iPhone icon for your website
11:14am Monday 01 February 2010
Tags: favicon iphone itouch webclip apple icon apple-touch-icon job board recruitment website

We are all used to creating a fancy favicon for our websites. But have you got around to creating a custom iPhone or iTouch icon yet? read more...

Tips for sending valid emails from your Recruitment Website
1:24am Monday 01 February 2010
Tags: email management recruitment websites email route job board reverse dns bulk email newsletters online application form email tips greylisting blacklisting smtp spf records sender policy framework

Most recruitment websites have some sort of online form capabilities - contact form, online timesheet, job order, newsletter signup form, email to friend form, online application form, etc. But could these emails be going directly to the users junk/spam folder or just never reaching the inbox in the first place? read more...

Job ads of the year
6:59pm Sunday 24 January 2010
Tags: job ads funny job ads job board border express passwords jobadder mass effect 2 razor electronic arts fake job ads dd cup breasts biotic-powered super-solider

Forget the bland and boring job ads. 2010 has started with a bang! This week we bring you 3 contenders for job ad of the year. These 3 job ads have gone viral across the globe and continue to give us a laugh. read more...

Cut the fat. CAPTCHA
11:32pm Monday 18 January 2010
Tags: captcha cut the fat application form job board application form spam spam bad behavior akismet user experience vvc visual verification code

CAPTCHA is a program that protects websites against bots and spam by generating and grading tests that humans can pass but computer programs cannot. Nobody wants to use CAPTCHAs. They're a necessary evil. So why do we use them on application forms? read more...

Geolocation based sourcing or stalking?
4:58pm Thursday 14 January 2010
Tags: geocodes geolocation geotagging location based sourcing location based recruitment proximity job search online recruitment foursquare using foursquare for recruitment demand spot mobile recruitment ip address stalking google maps api data manipulation privacy issues gowalla twitter

If you have been reading all the technology predictions for 2010, you may have noticed that location based services feature predominately. Online websites such as Foursquare, Gowalla and Twitter all have the ability to publically share and promote your current location. read more...

SMS referral programs
3:38pm Tuesday 12 January 2010
Tags: sms using sms in recruitment mobile recruitment job boards online recruitment refer a friend sms job alerts sms job to a friend sms referral program

Over the past few weeks I have been integrating SMS functionality into a number of recruitment agency websites. We are all used to having the ability to email a job to a friend, but these days you are more likely to remember your friends mobile number compared to their email address. read more...

iPhone Application Updates - Korn/Ferry, Radar Recruitment & LinkedIn
4:00pm Thursday 07 January 2010
Tags: iphone applications iphone mobile recruitment iphone job search korn ferry korn ferry conect radar recruit linkedin iphone application recruitment directory mobile job search mobile enabled job site mobile recruiting job search application people search google maps bluetooth download contacts linkedin address book address book mobile recruiting mobile recruitment

Over the past month, there has been a number of new and updated iPhone applications released by Korn/Ferry International, Radical Recruitment and LinkedIn. I have always been a firm big believer that you should optimise your website for mobile recruitment instead of building a native application. But is mobile going to become the recruitment platform of choice? read more...

2010 - The year of the lemon
12:52am Monday 04 January 2010
Tags: 2010 new year recruitment predictions new year predictions recruitment lemons social media social recruiting productivity recruitment technology

With 2009 finally behind us, we can now look forward to a new year. A year of possibilities. A year of continued success. I would like to thank all our clients, blog subscribers, twitter follower, industry commentators and the wider Recruitment/Human Resources community for your support throughout the year and for your return in 2010. read more...

Cut the fat. 1 job per job advert
9:28pm Sunday 03 January 2010
Tags: job advert job board online recruitment online job ads job advertising

Why do Recruiters continue to post more than 1 job per job advert? I can understand if the jobs are closely related, and I mean "closely related". But is posting a "latest jobs" or "hot jobs" list really that effective? read more...

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