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Top Job Search Logos
4:02pm Sunday 28 June 2009
Tags: hrdaily gradconnection tenth house graduate careers australia blue recruit logos design jobmob

JobMob released a list of the Top 105 Beautiful Job Search Company Logos. On the list were a number of Australian HR/Recruiting logos that made the top 105. I am still waiting to hear how the list was chosen. Congratulations to the following Australian companies... read more...

Social Software in the Enterprise
12:54am Friday 26 June 2009
Tags: enterprise social software web2.0 lidia vikulova

A simple and well done presentation on Social Software in the Enterprise by Lidia Vikulova read more...

Sneak peek of CareerOne/Monster
8:52pm Tuesday 23 June 2009
Tags: careerone monster integration job ads nsw government job board test ads

Everyone has been asking me the same questions recently: Thomas, what is happening with CareerOne & Monster? What’s the goss? blah blah blah.... Simple answer - I don't know. read more...

Creating a RSS Job Feed
4:10pm Tuesday 23 June 2009
Tags: rss xml job feed recruitment website job board data structure aggregators job feed structure

Creating a RSS job feed can be a complex process and is best left to a programmer. So...what data should you include in your RSS job feeds? There are standard RSS specifications available, but we want to include extra data fields specifically for job aggregators to correctly index our data. read more...

Using RSS feeds in your Job Search
8:54pm Monday 22 June 2009
Tags: rss job search google reader job board xml feedburner

A RSS feed can compliment your other job hunting methods by bringing you instant and targeted jobs directly to your computer screen or inbox. RSS is an acronym for Really Simple Syndication. RSS delivers information (in this case, jobs) in a simple web language called XML. read more...

Australian Job Outlook
5:08pm Sunday 21 June 2009
Tags: job outlook job prospects australian employment deewr occupations employment levels employment growth occupation clusters employment industries career profiles australian bureau of statistics job turnover unemployment level

The Australian Government's Job Outlook careers and labour market research information website has recently been upgraded and  helps you decide on your future career. It now include a suite of charts that compare information for specific occupations within that occupational cluster. read more...

How secure is your Recruitment website? Part 3 - Hidden iframe injection
6:06pm Thursday 18 June 2009
Tags: virus ahri iframe injection malicious code recruitment websites job board security hacking insecure twitter malware

A new malware attack has been making the rounds recently. It has infected a number of recruitment web sites, job boards and hosting servers. If you suddenly find that your website is triggering your anti-virus software and flagging it as a “dangerous site”, the culprit may be the hidden iframe injection hack. read more...

Find a Job on Twitter
12:18am Wednesday 17 June 2009
Tags: jobsite twitter tweet job board integration job seekers process improvement

Jobsite UK has launched the first personalised, targeted and integrated method for job seekers to receive automatic job alerts on Twitter. Job seekers will no longer have to sift through pages and pages of irrelevant tweets. Well done! read more...

Has your job expired?
12:14pm Tuesday 16 June 2009
Tags: skype marketing campaign video seek curiosity

You must be curious. What's with the dandruff-farm-turned-ski-resort in this video? At first I thought it was new marketing campaign for SEEK, but I was wrong. This recruitment marketing campaign is actually for international VoIP provider Skype. read more...

MyCareer OTP Advertising
8:26pm Monday 15 June 2009
Tags: otp over the page advertising fairfax mycareer rate card over the page

It looks like MyCareer has followed in the footsteps of sister sites including The Age and SMH in implementing OTP Advertising. Last month, Fairfax Digital Media slashed advertising rates across all publications in a recent stimulus offer.Over the Page (OTP) Advertising works by loading an overlay over the website when the website is fully loaded. Typically the over the page advertising usually plays for between 10-15 seconds, then disappears, reverting to the usual website. read more...

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