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Dilbert - Job Interview
7:36pm Monday 15 June 2009
Tags: funny dilbert job interview

Dilbert 14th June 2009

Social Recruiting 101
2:03pm Thursday 11 June 2009
Tags: social recruiting thomas shaw webinar facebook linkedin twitter rss keith keller social recruiting 101 recruitment website social recruiting strategy recruitment 2.0 web 2.0

Below are the presentation slides and live recording of the latest webinar - Social Recruiting 101. There is a lot of buzz surrounding the use of Social Networking sites like Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and LinkedIn. But have you actually mastered the use of basic web 2.0 tools? Most recruiters are confused on how to integrate these tools into their recruiting strategy in a scalable fashion! read more...

Is SEO important for individual job adverts?
6:33pm Wednesday 10 June 2009
Tags: seo job ads search engine closed adverts aggregators twitterjobsearch

This blog post has evolved from a lengthy debate with an industry colleague today. While we agree that SEO is important for all recruitment sites - should we rank the individual job ads higher than the rest of the site? read more...

Using Facebook for Recruitment
1:45pm Tuesday 09 June 2009
Tags: facebook recruitment facebook connect webinar using facebook for recruitment thomas shaw ppc facebook ads api oauth openid facebook profile job boards website online recruitment

Below are the presentation slides and live recording of the latest webinar - Using Twitter for Recruitment. Have you tried recruiting on Facebook? Do you manually click through profiles and post messages on group profiles? Guess what, you have already created your first mistake! If you are like most online recruiters, then more than likely you are concerned about how to grow traffic to your website and increase sales and placements. read more...

Consultancy Agreement or Contractor Agreement?
5:00pm Sunday 07 June 2009
Tags: lawlive consultant contractor consultancy agreement contractor agreement legal advice

Are you unsure whether you need a Consultancy Agreement or Contractor Agreement? This depends on whether you are engaging the services of a consultant or a contractor. Sometimes the difference between a consultant and a contractor is not always clear. The following blog post has been provided by LawLive read more... for sale
3:43pm Saturday 06 June 2009
Tags: mycareer domain name sedo auction

Domain name is currently listed for sale at the Sedo Careers Auction. The auction finishes 12pm, 10th June 2009 (EST) and the reserve price range is between USD $100,000 - $249,999. This may be one of the last opportunities MyCareer has to purchase this top level domain name. read more...

How secure is your Recruitment website? Part 2 - URL Manipulation
1:20pm Saturday 06 June 2009
Tags: insecure job board recruitment website hacking security url manipulation url hacking url rewriting

URL manipulation is a common issue faced in all database driven sites such as job boards, resume databases, blogs or any other site where parameters are passed via the URL. By manipulating certain parts of a URL, users may be able to access files they are not supposed to have access to. read more...

Ask who? Ask Hugo
1:30am Friday 05 June 2009
Tags: ask hugo interview questions sms application process gen y hippo

A new premium SMS information line is currently seeking casual textoligists to answer customer questions. Candidates have been asked to complete an online knowledge test, and successful smarty-pants will be sent further application information. We have managed to obtain a list of pre-application questions. read more...

Maximising the use of Social Networking sites for HR
11:25pm Thursday 04 June 2009
Tags: social networking hr human resources facebook twitter youtube social networking social media recruitment employee engagement retention employee management monitoring

Because of the effectiveness of online communities in disseminating information, social media/networking websites have become indispensable tools for HR professionals. HR can use these sites for recruitment, employee engagement, increasing retention, management, monitoring and more. read more...

Grants for Young Entrepreneurs
10:21pm Thursday 04 June 2009
Tags: mark tayar grants social cause hire marks consulting entrepreurship community service

Well done to Mark Tayar from Recruitment Systems, who has set up a social enterprise called Hire Marks Consulting. They are currently offering financial grants to teach young people about entrepreurship in the community. read more...

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